Why baby teeth matter

A lot of parents think that baby teeth aren’t really all that important since they eventually fall out. Sure those little pearly whites will come and go, but there are 5 very important reasons why you should look after your child’s baby teeth and help them adopt good oral hygiene habits early.

Baby Tooth Land provide these 5 reasons why baby teeth are important.

1.  They save space for the adult teeth

Baby teeth help the permanent teeth to develop properly by saving space for them and guiding them into the correct position. If a baby tooth is lost too soon, the teeth beside it will move and shift to fill in the gap. When the permanent teeth are ready to come out, there might not be enough room, causing the permanent teeth to become crooked, misaligned and crowded. It is useful to note that some baby teeth are not replaced by permanent teeth until a child reaches 12 – 14 years of age.

2.  They help your child to eat and chew naturally

As your little one moves on to solids, they will be learning to bite and chew their food. There are 3 types of baby teeth, with each tooth type performing a different job:

  • Incisors – are the teeth that your baby will use to take bites of food and to cut them into small chewable pieces
  • Canines – are the sharp teeth used for crushing and tearing food apart
  • Molars – are the large back teeth used for chewing, crushing and grinding food

3.  They help with your child’s speech development

Your baby’s teeth, mouth and lips all work in symphony to form words and help your child develop their speech. Teeth help to form words by controlling the flow of air out of the mouth. Your baby will learn to make certain sounds when their tongue moves and strikes their baby teeth in different ways. 

4.  They affect your child’s smile, self-confidence and social skills

Nothing is as special as your child’s happy, glowing smile. Having strong, healthy teeth will help your child smile brightly and feel good about themselves. It will boost their confidence when playing and interacting with other kids.

5.  They can affect your child’s overall health and development

Tooth decay and cavities causes pain and discomfort for your little one. If left untreated, infection can quickly develop on gums and surrounding teeth. Tooth pain and infection can make it difficult for your child to sleep, play, eat and talk - impacting on your baby’s overall health and development. Children with healthy teeth are better able to learn at school, form relationships with their little friends and develop a strong mind and body.

So whilst baby teeth may be a fleeting moment in your child’s life, looking after them has lifetime benefits. 

It also important to note that good oral care begins from birth. Even before your baby’s first teeth appear, gently wipe their gums and tongue after each feed with a moistened washcloth or a Tooth Tissue dental wipe. This helps to remove plaque and any residual breast milk or formula, preventing the growth of unwanted bacteria. It will also help baby get used to having something placed into their mouth to clean it – and consequently make tooth brushing easier later on.

Healthy habits that start from birth, last a lifetime.